Russ Amos


Born 30 October 1939 in Indiana, Amos joined the US Air Force in 1957. Assigned to the Little Rock Air Force Base where he learned to fly as member of the Base Aero Club. Upon discharge in 1962, he joined Hankins Flying Service in Oil Trough, AR as a crop duster pilot. In 1966, Amos joined Newport Flying Service as a duster pilot, but also flew charter and taught flight instruction. In 1968 Russ began flying 680E Aero Commander for Batesville Manufacturing Company where he flew for about five years and then returned to flying AGCATs for another ten years. He starter his own business in 1982 and now flies corporate. A charter member of the Arkansas Aerial Applicators Association, he was the Arkansas Flight Instructor of the Year in 1997. Russ was awarded the Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award in 2011, Russ continues to fly corporately today.
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