Ronald L. Herron


Ron was born on 13 April 1949 in Lollie, AR just outside Mayflower. He has an international reputation for his knowledge, expertise and experience with autogyros having designed and built the “Little Wing” LW5 autogyro. Herron solved the inherent instability of the auto gyro with his design. The “Little Wing” was one of only two aircraft to meet FAI’s four primary performance categories and holds 29 FAI world records. The Spirit of Wiley Post Award was earned for setting three transcontinental speed records. The ”Little Wing” is now on display in the EAA Museum in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

A natural mechanic, Herron taught aviation maintenance at Pulaski Technical College for fifteen years retiring in 2013. Well known for his kindness, he placed his design for the LW5 in the public domain without recompense in the interest of safety for all autogiro enthusiasts.
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